"Il Casale degli Ulivi"

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“IL Casale degli Ulivi”

- Booking Condictions  –




1) Reservation and Payment

The reservation of a property is valid when the client receives  a written confirmation from the Casale degli Ulivi. When the client recives the written confirmation he has to pay the 30% of the total rental amount; the balance has to be paied 8 weeks before arrival. For reservations made less than 8 weeks before the arrival the client should pay the total amount at the moment of the booking. When we have received your deposit/full payment  your booking is valid.

If we don't receive the balance 8 weeks before your arrival, we will consider your booking cancelled.

If you want to cancel your holiday you must do this in a written way with the sign of the person who made the booking and we will charge you as follows:


Cancellation Money Reteined
Cancellation effected more than 56 days before arrival date Deposit
Cancellation effected from 56 to 21 days before arrival date 50%
Cancellation effected  21 days  or less before arrival date 100%









2) Arrival and departure hour

Arrival:16.00 19:00

Departure: 08:00  10:00 am

Each changement about the hour of arrival should be communicate us at least 3 days before an we have to accept this changement. If it is a force majeure delay the client must phone at this telephone numbers 0039 320 3080989 between the 16:00 / 19:00 to advise us.

If the client doesn't arrive  at the hour or in the fixed date there is not a refound. The same is for departure in advance.


3) Arrival and deposit

When the client arrives should present passport or identity card to the owner or to who represents him to register the client as provided by low. When the client receivs the keys he must give to the owner or to who represents him the security deposit of 300 euro (cash). It will be returned at the departure if there are not breaksages or damages or addictional costs not included in the price.

The owner or who represents him wiIl  not allow the entrance in the house if he does not receive the security deposit.



4) Cleaning and Heating 


When the client arrive, the properties are cleaned.


The clients have to pay at the arrival (for apartment Lanterna and apartment Loggia) 80 euro for the final cleaning and 80 euro for the linen that they will find on the beds at the arrival. For extra cleaning or change of linen must be paied 80 euro for each extra operation.


For apartment Cantina  the clients have to pay at the arrival 60 euro for the final cleaning and 40 euro for the linen they will find on the beds at the arrival. For extra cleaning or change of linen have to be paied 60 euro for  extra cleaning and 40 euro for each extra change of linen.



For house "il Girasole" must be paied 80 euro for end cleaning and 40 euro for bath and bed linen. For extra cleaning or change of linen have to be paied 80 euro for  extra cleaning and 40 euro for each extra change of linen.


 During the mounths that you have to use heating it will be charged to you 3,50 euro/m3 ( the client will check personally the value written in the heating machine at the arrival and the value written at the departure to pay exactly the gas used).The price for wood for fire is 0,20 euro per kg.

This amount of money will be deducted from the secutity deposit.


5) Number of persons and animals 

Only the number of persons registered at the  booking operation will be accepted. The number of persons do not have to exceed the number of persons allowed in each apartment. 

Animals not allowed.


6) Swimming Pool

The swimming-pool is usable from middle- May to the end of September. It is deep 1,5 metre and is not supervised. The use of the swimming-pool is at client's own risk. The Casale degli Ulivi is not responsable for any accident occurred in using it.


7) External Maintenance 

The owner or who represents him, if necessary, has the right to enter to  gardening or to do swimming-pool maintenance operations or other urgent operations.





Sig.ra Adina Giobbi 

Handy Adina Giobbi  0039 320 30 80 989 Tel and fax 0039 0735 59 29 02

Via Pisa n. 6 – 63039 San Benedetto del Tronto (AP) Italia